Another month packed with features and developer enhancements among which the start of the new LDS design, easier docker support, and the incredible Decision Table are significant examples. Enjoy!
As we have said in the past, we are (slowly) moving the UI to LDS standards. Inside this projects' effort Fatjola and Luke do a great job of redesigning the header which we incorporate into the mainstream application. Thanks!
- move Announcement marquee to the button bar in order to optimize space
- move subheader into the header to recover vertical space
- move small spinner to the right so it is more visible in the new layout
- move 'top' below menu so it still works (more or less) after the fixed menu change
- show settings menu only to admin users and set the user name to bold
- user settings label for settings button and menu
- apply some LDS to the toolbar just to get announcement correct
- eliminate Calculator from application
- apply column layout for Integrations access menu and box the elements to make them stand out more
- module icon definition: now each module has some icon properties that are used in the header and "last viewed" section among others
- add a getModuleIcon information function in utils
The mobile client gets some fixes and enhancements this month. Thanks Omar
- add new mobile UI action ExecuteFunctions to call it from javascript. We add some functions from coreBOS base functionality
- add support to uitype 50: date time field
- now when you select a product or service in the time control module, we hide the unnecessary fields for each type
- fix error in name to units in time control
- Fields with uiytpe (10, 101, 117, 26, 357, 51, 52, 53, 57, 66, 68, 73, 76, 77, 78, 80) were always shown even if deactivated in the profile
- filter fields with no permission when creating
- Fix detectModuleName, we have to get always the module name if we have a recordid, if not we can have problems on related lists with more than one module related
- inputs id must be with internal field name not translated label
- do not show empty blocks on edit view
- PHP 7.3 support by specific assignment and use the correct object for translation
- support for currentuserID meta variable in Condition Expression Business Map
- Aggregate Widget Filter Widget we add a new widget for the home page that permits you to get an aggregation of a field in a filter. You can find some documentation here.
- aggregate on text fields
- warnings and optimizations
- Decision Table Business Map. Read all about it here
- add maptype and class
- add support for Decison Table in coreBOS Rule
- Evaluating map
- add the case on testMap
- acummulating rules and check hitPolicy for aggregation
- Handling hitpolicy and orderby
- Processing output for each rule
- Returning correct crmObject and removing convertMap2Array method
- Code formatting
- add support for CC condition in Mail Converter
- we release our coreBOSCRM SendGrid integration. I will try to blog about how it works soon but you can look up vídeos in our youtube channel to start
- define default module sort order using global variables Application_ListView_Default_OrderField and Application_ListView_Default_OrderDirection
- Show Message Widget
- Set Many to Many work flow action, that permits us to define workflows to relate records between modules who share a many to many relationship
- Application_Popup_Address_Selection Global Variable that permits us to deactivate the Account/Contact address selection on capture
- add customizeable restraints to Product/Service Inventory autocomplete Spectacular and useful enhancement from Luke!
- PBXManager
- add and save PBX UUID on call record
- add PBX aftersave events to plugin custom code on call record creation
- PBX_callerNumberSeparator Global Variable to permit separting the incoming number in more than one
- permit indicating which PBX event field you want to use for searching via the PBX_callerNumberField Global Variable
- change PBXManager_SearchOnlyOnTheseFields to PBX_SearchOnTheseFields to indicate a set of alternative application fields to search on
coreBOS Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations and Clean Up
- constant formatting and warning battle: Autocomplete, CRMEntity, Sendgrid, Emails, EventHandler, Workflow, GenDoc, Merge Labels, general.js, Header, aggregate widget, Home, Import, ListView, Contacts, MailScanner, Mobile, QueryGenerator, Reports, Users, Utils, cbQuestion
- avoid warning in multipicklist
- eliminate warning deleting inexistent files in web service create method
- fix method name spelling in Backup code
- add license to BusinessAcions
- eliminate unused method in Calendar
- move Users method to a better location and apply code formatting
- add new modules, User directory and new scripts to CI
- exclude sendgrid libraries from CI process
- PHP 7.3: eliminate incorrect continue in Validations to avoid PHP 7.3 warning
- PHP 7.x migrate sizeof to count
- security execution bit in updater
- Don't do multicurrency autocomplete in Purchase Orders
- Eliminate search label from users grid boxes for better multi-language support
- add SendGrid free email template images
- support for selecting emails on related lists
- move hard coded email in customer portal code into MsgTemplate module
- fetchEmailTemplateInfo now supports language templates
- use creator as the last modifier when a record has not been modified
- add missing user parameter to BusinessActions web service call
- HTML decode company information
- fix bug where Public filter was being approved on duplicate
- correctly return error state for ExecuteFunctions ajax calls
- fixed get global variable user role condition
- show stock and quantity in user format in Inventory Modules
- correctly avoid separator and submenus in the Settings menu
- make 'import_Field' public since PackageUpdate references it in Module Update
- support detail view OOMerge generation from GenDoc widget
- use ISO format for Payment history log date
- Potentials sales stage history number formatting
- incorrect variable for the user name in asterisk repeated extension error message
- attachments on scheduled reports
- add Non-Admin Access Query in Inventory modules product/service autocomplete search
- support for Workflow templating on modules with no assigned user ID like FAQ
- eliminate calculator code
- update install Database
- GenDoc
- add organizationname to map Company Name in GenDoc
- translate user fields
- RTF copy of OOMerge test template
- multipicklist
- correctly rename and delete elements. Thanks Alan Lord
- support MassEdit
- User Privileges Elimination This month Albert implements a change to move the user_privileges files to the database liberating us from the dependency of this directory which helps in containerization and also cleans up a lot the code creating centralized clases for the management of the user permission system. Thanks!!
- update createuserfiles HelperScripts to work with the new class system
- correctly set subordinate array and correct variable name
- label translation
- set module sharing to private if sharing privileges are not defined
- check if there are permissions for both file and db pattern
- get userPrivileges from User Model instead of UserPrivileges object
- more sharing privileges for modules
- sharingPrivileges not being generated
- use of UserPrivileges class on remaining files
- flushPrivileges to flushAllPrivileges
- Continuous translation effort:
- Application: pages label
- Application: pt_br (Users, MsgTemplate, Payments, among others) Thanks Slemernet
- BusinessActions: incorrect label
- cbMap: Decision Table
- GlobalVariable: Application_Popup_Address_Selection
- Home: aggregate widget
- LastViewed: translated hardcoded strings
- Reports: es
- Sendgrid/Whatsapp: settings
- Users: grid header and contents
- Workflow: Many to Many Relation Task

Thanks for reading.